Mom went to Target today and surprised us with a new water sprinkler - you know, since it is so
HOT and the sprinkler parks aren't open yet. It is wonderful! It has all these snake like sprayers - of course, they are a little frustrating because they don't all want to cooperate and stay up like they are supposed to. I practiced and practiced all sorts of fancy dances - like the happy dance, the spiderman-charlie dance - you know, all that fancy stuff. It requires a lot of grace and spinning and of course, screaming. Oh, and it also requires Mom to say "
BRAVO, BRAVO" at the end of the dance while I bow. I think E2 was a little scared of the water (maybe it had something to do with my screaming with joy when Mom turned it on), but she was happy playing with cups and buckets of water on the porch. Of course she would. That is the kind of thing I did when I was a toddler, too. But now that I'm such a
BIG KID.....
I hope you are finding ways to stay cool on these hot days. If nothing else, get a bucket and put your feet in it to soak. :)