Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Natural Born Saint

Good Morning! What a beautiful day this is - and do you know the best part? I figured out that I am a natural born Saint! How did I figure that out. Well, you see, Mom and I read about Adam and Eve in the garden and how they sinned. God told them they could eat from any tree they wanted except for one. And what happened....they sinned. Eve ate the fruit and then Adam ate it too. Then what was the first thing they did as sinners? They ran and hid because they were naked and ashamed. This is where my logic starts. I LOVE to be naked and am not ashamed of it at all. In fact, I'd be naked all the time if my Mommy would let me. Why, just last night, she said to clean up my toys because it is bathtime and I not only was a perfect child and picked up my toys.... I showed up in her bedroom naked and all ready for a bath. :) So you see, I'm a natural born Saint who loves to prance around in the skin God gave me - and I'm not ashamed at all (giggle).

My logic does kind of have a problem when I think about the verse that I am learning this week for school. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). Ok, so I guess I am a sinner too - but I still like to be naked.

Just the other night, I was eating at the big kitchen table and Mommy was feeding E2 in the living room (but I could still see her). I asked her if she'd like it if I were unselfish all the time. She said of course. I said, "Well, that can't happen because I'm a sinner." She assured me that she is a sinner too and that is why we need Jesus in our hearts.

I have a play date with my great friends today! I'm so excited!!!

Love to all - E1

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