Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Worship Leader - Me? Wow!

Finally, they have recognized my talents. Mr. Mick called on me, humble E1, to lead a worship song at Wednesday Warriors....on stage......with a microphone!!

Can you even imagine! When I got home, Mom asked me if I was nervous. I said not for that small crowd (of about 30 people), but if it was a concert....then I'd be nervous.

Dad was a little slow on the draw, but he got some of it on camera. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Apple Orchard with Friends

Ok, this trip to the Apple Orchard was kinda tricky. The problem - the apples were playing hide and seek. We searched high and low for those pesky apples and finally found them at the very end of the row. But you know what? They were worth it!! They are SO delicious. They are Ida Reds and they are super duper yummy!

Here are some pictures of me, E2 and our friends - the Traynors. It was such a fun trip!! Mom was especially thankful for Mrs. Traynor because Mom forgot her purse (she blamed it on something about getting old). So the apples were on Mrs Traynor! What a friend!!

 For the longest time, we thought this one apple was the last one hanging at the orchard - until we finally hit the jackpot in the Ida Red row...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekend Fun

What a great weekend! We got to play at Eagle Creek with our cousins! That was super fun! And then today we got to hang out with Grandpa and Grandma - woohoo! Ok, there wasn't much play time involved because they were helping Dad build his new barn, but it was still great to see them! E2 tried to help, but Dad says she's too small. I was busy raking the leaves into a pile - but you see who messed up the pile while I was at church.
Oh well, we'll rake them again tomorrow.

I hope you had a great weekend, too!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Video and Pictures - we love fall!

It has been a while since I uploaded a video - so here you go. It is hard to believe that my lil sis is getting so big, but she sure is! It must be because she loves broccoli so much! Here she is dancing around the living room - and then a quick costume change - and some more dancing. She is really a cute lil girl - almost as cute as me. :) Below the video are some pictures of us girls at the park. The leaves are so beautiful that Mom said she couldn't resist taking pictures  - when all we wanted to do was go to the playground.
