Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love my Mommy so much!

I just love my Mommy so much! I don't think she understands how much, so I feel like I need to show her (hard to tell her since I am having difficulties making this tongue of mine form words yet). One way I show her is by flashing her these gorgeous, big, bright smiles (that's right, I know how great they look, I've seen them in my mirror). Another way I show her how much I love her is that I always want to be with her. I know she must be so sad when she is away from me and I even think she must be a little disoriented - so I holler out as loud as I can so she can find her way back to me. I keep this up until I see her again, and then I reassure her with another one of my flashy smiles.

One thing I don't understand is how she can go all night without seeing my beautiful face or squeezing my squishy belly (she says she loves that). I know she is over there in her big, fancy, comfy bed - so in the wee hours of the morning (when I know she is too tired to wake up for good), I start fussing just a little. Not enough to make her worry or wake up for good. But just a little fussing to let her know how much I miss her. You know what happens don't you.... That's right, she comes and gets me. I hear the rip / tear of the velcro that holds me on the hill that I sleep on and then she puts me next to her in her big, comfy bed - right on her pillow. She leaves my arm bands on, but I don't mind. I can reach farther with them and am able to gently hold her neck with my hands (think gentle hug, not strangle). As she slips farther away (I'm sure this is not on purpose), I wiggle even closer to make sure she knows I love her so.

This morning, much to my dismay, I awoke, felt beside me and the squishy mound next to me wasn't the usual cotton Tshirt material - scratch, scratch - it was 600 thread count bedding! My Mommy wasn't there! Agghhhh!! I began to holler out for her. She must have slept walked and gotten lost! Agghhhhh!! And, just like always, she came in and scooped me up. She found me.

I sure do love my Mommy.

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