Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Writers Block

My Mommy said she had a problem this morning so I thought I would help her out. She said she had writers block and didn't know what to write about on her blog (whatever a blog is). I worked real hard to create a fantabulous story for her to tell everyone. Mommy knew that I hadn't gone "big potty" since Sunday, so she knew that I was probably saving up. It was hard, but I held it until we were on our way to the dentist this morning. After she and Daddy complained about how bad the poo smelled, she took me to the bathroom to change my diaper. What she didn't know was that I needed more than my diaper changed. You see, it came out and was everywhere! Up to my armpits and down to my knees. She said she wished she had a pair of scissors because she didn't even know where to begin to get me clean. Giggle. I like to keep her on her toes. The part I hadn't planned on was that she didn't have any extra clothes packed for me. Oops. Now here I am at the dentist office running around naked (well, I did have a diaper and socks on)! I'd like to tell you that I was embarrassed because I am so modest, but that'd be a bit of a stretch. I LOVED it!!!  Everyone was coming up and telling me how cute I am and I'd just bat my baby blues at them.

Then we got home - and Mommy put clothes back on me. I was a little bit thankful because it is only March and I was getting a bit chilly.

Love to all,

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