Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fun Day at the Park

HuG, hUg, SqUeEzE, sQuEeZe - Who could be cuter than these?
Oh, we had such a fun day at the PaRk yesterday! We met our cousins there to have a picnic and play. B1 is a big girl like me, but she is 5. How wonderful it will be when I am 5, too! She also said she outgrew her milk allergy. What wonderful hope she has given me! I love that girl! She has a little brother, B2. He is already a year (and some change) old. I know E2 was looking at him like she couldn't wait to be a year old so she could walk and run around the park without Mommy holding her. It was a great time! We went down the big blue slides about ten hundred thousand times. Then B1 was so brave and strong that she climbed the spider web looking thing so high I am sure she had to dodge birds and planes. I am not nearly as brave, so I went as high as my fear would allow me to go - then I'd have to holler for Mom to come save me (which thankfully, she always did). I can't wait to meet them at the park again! I wonder what B1 will wear next time? I hope you enjoyed the BeAuTiFuL spring day that God blessed YOU with, too! Love to all - E1

Me coming out of the big blue slide...
and now B1 coming out of the slide...
Together on the tire swing. That silly Baby Monster didn't want to get in the swing with us.
B2 talking on the phone (I think he was just pretending).

B2 driving the tractor. He's so cool he's gotta wear shades!

Here we are being SO brave!!

Even though she wasn't in the action shots, her sun-kissed cheeks remind us of our fun day (oh, and that Mommy forgot sunscreen - oOpS!).

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