Monday, May 31, 2010

PreSummer Summertime fun

Oh, it is officially watermelon season! My Mom loves watermelon! I think it is OK, but I don't love it like she does. But, it seems like the baby (who isn't looking too much like a baby anymore) loves it as much as Mom. Mom cut up some tiny pieces for her to have, and she loved playing with those. Then Mom took some big chunks (which Mom calls "bites") and rubbed them on her lips / teeth. After a couple times of this, baby E took a bIg BiTe! I mean half a chunk in her mouth. Mom and I started laughing hysterically (as Mom went digging in her mouth for the "bite"). Baby E was so proud of herself!

With the hot weather (preSummer, watermelon weather), we have been spending some time at the splash park. Below are some pictures from our favorite one. They put in a new mushroom waterfall that is super cool. We also got a fun sprinkler to play with in the yard for the days that we can't leave (like when the baby is napping). It is a great summer so far - and it hasn't even officially started yet. :)  ((hugs)) E1


  1. wish they had splash parks when we were kids! they look like they're havin a blast!

  2. I know - and they're free! They're awesome!


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