Wednesday, December 30, 2009


You know what I learned how to do? Jump. It is sooooo much fun!! Mommy says it is good for my body too and will help me learn how to crawl and walk. You know what that means? I jump any chance I can get! I can't wait to be able to crawl and walk (run) and chase my big Sissy around. So I jump in my exersaucer. I jump when Mommy has me in the carrier. I jump if someone is holding me....any chance I get! It turns out I'm not alone. Lots of the short people like to jump. We went to a place yesterday that had these huge, colorful things that all the short people would get in and jump, jump, jump!! I really wanted to get in one, but I haven't figured out how to drag Mommy around when she has me in the carrier yet. I pretty much have to go where she goes. Which leads me to my next story....

While we were at this jump place, Sissy came running and said she had to go potty. Not sure why she just doesn't go in her diaper like me and why Mommy and I had to take part in her potty process, but it turns out, we were REALY involved in the process. We go in the girls room (cool that there was a room just for girls) and Sissy goes on this short lil potty just for short people (ahhh, how cute!). Next thing you know, I'm staring down the back of Sissy INTO that short lil potty. Man, it was stinky and I was headed for it - face first!!! I thought for sure I was a goner. Sissy even cried out telling Mommy to not drop me in the toilet. I started kicking and swinging my arms like a crazy baby! Sissy (who Mommy was cleaning up after she made a mess in that cute lil potty) was yelling that I was kicking her in the head, but man, I had to make sure Mommy didn't accidentally flush me down that thing! I pulled hair, shirts, straps, anything I could get a hold of.... Thank the good Lord above, I made it out. Whew, that was close!
I heard Mommy say we were going to another jumping place again today! Maybe this time I can convince Mommy to let ME jump too!
Love to all,

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