Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ok, Mom and Dad have told me that this guy in a red suit with a white beard, who seems to be everywhere, is not real. It is something that people have made up as a distraction to the real meaning of Christmas (which is Jesus' birthday). I really do understand that. I know that the most important thing about everything is God, and especially His Son's birthday! I'd never forget that.

But.....back on this guy in a red suit. I watched a movie called the Polar Express and it turns out that he not only has reindeer and elves...but a HUGE bag of presents. AND, you have to believe in order to get a present. So....I think I'll just believe in him for a little bit to see if he brings me a present. Hey, ya get what you believe, right? It's worth a shot to get another gift. :) I'm going to try to sneak a visit with him to make sure he knows what I want. I'd hate for someone to get me a gift and not know what I really want. I might end up with something I already have... Maybe I could just write him a letter and let him know that Mommy has a wish list at amazon.com that has some good ideas. I wonder if he has an internet connection at the north pole?

Love, hugs and a Merry Christmas to all,

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