Saturday, May 21, 2011

Night Night

Sometimes, my lil sister just makes me laugh. Other kids, you know what they like to play? Thinks like dolls, babies, legos, dinosaurs, know, all that "reguro" stuff (Pollard slang for "regular old")? Not my little sister. She likes to play "BE" (pronounced Be with a short e - it is bed without the "d"). She loves - I mean LOVES, to turn the lights out, get in MY bed, watch my birdie light, read books and cuddle with her Peebee (Penny the penguin).  She does this nearly every day, sometimes more than once. Oh, and she gets so upset if anyone wants to be in the same room and needs to have the light on. She fires up out of that bed and races over to stand on the stool (that she always has by the light switches because she also loves to turn the lights on and off) and turn the light back off. "DAIR!", (there) she will exclaim.

You know the really funny part about that? When it actually IS time to go to bed, she's terrible! She stays awake playing and laughing and crying and needing a drink of water. Yesterday during her nap, Mom said when she went in there (bacause E2 was crying), her leg was stuck between the slats of the crib. Yes, go ahead and laugh that her chubby little leg, with all of it's cute little rolls, got stuck. Laugh it up! Then, when it was time for us both to go to bed last night, somehow she got her leg hiked up over the side of the crib by the wall and proceded to scream because, again, it was stuck. That time Mom had to call for Dad to come help because she couldn't hold E2 up and pull the crib away from the wall at the same time. Unfortunately for E2, there wasn't much sympathy from Mom at that point. She was HOT! Probably a combination of the fact that it was 9:15 pm (and Mom put her in bed at 7:50 pm) and fear that she might break her neck if she falls out of her crib. I'm not sure what Mom has planned, but I bet she changes something today. Hopefully that doesn't mean I have to sleep in the crib and E2 gets my big girl bed.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she needs to sleep in a straight-jacket... Or at least the incline sling.


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